Monday, September 28, 2009
Chord progressions and harmonic functions are also written in the score. :)
Chord progression
1. There is no modulation or key changes in this pieces. It remains in G major.
2. Bar 1 to bar 3: It is the introduction of the music by using chord I.
3. Bar 4 to bar 7: There are only 4 chords used in this sentence, I-vi -IV-V.
4. Bar 12 to bar 19: The same 4 chords are used in this simple period, I-vi -IV-V.
5.Bar 20 to bar 28: There are 8 bars in this phrase, which ends with a imperfect cadence (ii - V ).
6. Bar 28 to bar 37: The same chord progression are repeated in this phrase but ended with a perfect cadence.
Harmonic Function
1. The harmonic function for this phrase is tonic (bar 4 to bar 6) - predominant (bar 7 to bar 10) - dominant (bar 11 and bar 12). The predominant harmonic function is extended with 2 chords, chord vi and chord IV.
2. Bar 13 to bar 19: The harmonic function for this phrase is the same as the previous period.
3. Bar 20 to bar 28: The harmonic function for this phrase is tonic (bar 20 to bar 22) - predominant (bar 23 to bar 27) - dominant (bar 28). The predominant harmonic function is extended with a few chords, chord vi, chord IV, chord iii, chord vi and chord ii.
4. Bar 28 to bar 37: The same harmonic function are repeated in this phrase but ended with a tonic.
Phrase Structure
1. From bar 4 to bar 7, it forms a 4 bar phrase while from bar 8 to bar 11 is another 4 bar phrase which both have the same sequence. Both phrases (antecedent phrase and consequent phrase) forms a simple period.
2. From bar 12 to bar 15, it is a repetition of bar 4 to bar 7, which is also an antecedent phrase. From bar 16 to bar 19, it is a consequent phrase. Another simple period is formed.
3. From bar 4 to bar 19, it is a double period.
4. From bar 20 to bar 37, it is the chorus of the song which forms a simple period. From bar 20 to 28 is an antecedent phrase while from bar 28 to bar 37 is a consequent phrase.
5. From bar 20 to bar 28, it is a short-short-long subdivision. From bar 20 to bar 22, it is a short subphrase and from bar 22 to bar 25 is another repeated short subphrase. From bar 24 to bar 28 consists a shorter short-short-long subdivision, which forms a long subphrase.
The hypermetric structure is the same as the phrase structure. The standard 4 bars forms a phrase with typical strong (bar 1),weak (bar 2), medium (bar 3) and weak (bar 4). The standard 8 bars then forms a simple period. There is no much surprise of hypermetre in this song.
I am quite impressed that this nice song is not that difficult to compose after analysed. Well done, Jay Chow!! ( Don't think he will see this.)
Enjoy the song ya! :)